Friday, December 23, 2005

Why I started this Blog.........

Let's start with some Basic Info about me......

Stage Name: ShellBe RAW
Length of Career: 1 year, and 7 months
Current/Upcoming Project(s): I recently released SOLO sampler cd entitled "The Soundtrack". I am also in the process of writing and recording for: the Hamsterdam Vol. 2 mixtape, the Gritty Gang Mixtape, the Street Radio Vol. 3 mixtape, and my upcoming debut SOLO album.

Now onto the question of the day......."Why Did You Start This Blog?"
The answer is simply .......because I want to give people a chance to read about an actual account of a person's rise from an Aspiring Artist to a HipHop Super Star. In this blog I will give you all the updates with my progress........and I promise to keep it as real as I can, without defaming anyone elses character/persona in the process. Feel free to email me, or comment on whatever is posted in my Blog, or anything found on my website:

I can't promise that I'll update this blog EVERYday, but I will do my best to give the play-by-play of what is going on with me and my music.


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